Thursday, February 24, 2005

My uncharacteristically up-beat blog entry

Yeah, daddy! I got my first employment insurance check today, earlier than I thought. Which is a very good thing, considering I had merely enough to buy my March bus pass, which was really starting to depress me. Also, I finally found a new job. I'm going to be a receptionist for one of the programs at Concordia (sounds too exciting for words, doesn't it!). I owe this job find to my good friend Nancy, who recommended me. This is actually the first time I've found a job through connections, as opposed to random resume dropping, and the ever-professional showering of zillions of cv's tossed out the hovering helicopter technique. That one's always an attention-getter.

Also, in honour of my birthday(march 2nd) The Lovely Feathers were kind enough to schedule a show on Saturday, the 5th at Le Swimming. So I'm dragging everyone downtown-kicking and screaming.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Yahoo, Nancy and Aurora together again!